ESL: Very Well Protocol | Week 12 - Day 66

27 April 2024

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Today’s Themes and Tasks

Global Economy

Technology Advancement

Environmental Sustainability

What do big international companies do in the world economy, and how does they affect local businesses?

How would your daily life and relationship with technology be different if you lived 40 years ago?

How can regular people reduce the amount of pollution they create in their daily lives?

Workout of the Day

Complete the Workout of the day. Click on the images to be linked to the videos hosted on YouTube.

1. Fluency Waterfall

2. Waterfall Model

3. Vocabulary Connections

4. EI. 10

Waterfall Model Transcripts

Review these transcripts to see other ways of responding to the Waterfall tasks and to look for grammar patterns and vocabulary that may be useful for you in your response. The example responses are C1+ in their level. How do your responses compare? What can you do to improve your responses during the next Fluency Waterfall?

90 Second Task

What do big international companies do in the world economy, and how does they affect local businesses?

Let's talk about what big international companies do in the world economy and how they affect local businesses. There are two main points to consider here.

First, these big companies really push globalization forward. Think about how a company like Apple works. They design their products in the US but make them in China. This kind of setup is common for big companies, and it makes products cheaper for us to buy. But, there's a flip side. Sometimes, these companies move jobs to places where it costs less to pay workers, and that can mean fewer jobs back home.

Now, let's talk about how they impact local businesses. Take a big store like Walmart. When it opens in a new place, it offers lots of products at really low prices. This is great for shoppers, right? But it's tough for the small stores nearby. These local shops often can't match Walmart's prices or variety, and sadly, this can lead to some of them shutting down.

In a nutshell, these giant companies play a huge role in making the world's economy more connected. They bring us lower prices and more choices, which is awesome. But they also make it super tough for smaller, local businesses to survive. It's like a double-edged sword – good in some ways, but also challenging.

60 Second Task

How would your daily life and relationship with technology be different if you lived 40 years ago?

Living 40 years ago would significantly alter my daily life, especially in communication and information access. Without smartphones and the internet, keeping in touch would involve writing letters and using landlines, leading to longer waits for responses and less frequent updates. For example, sharing exciting news would mean sending a letter and eagerly awaiting a reply, a process taking days or weeks, unlike today's instant messaging.

Accessing information and entertainment would also shift dramatically. I'd rely on newspapers, television, and radio, instead of quick online searches. Research would mean hours in the library, sifting through books and periodicals — a stark contrast to digital resources. I recall my uncle describing how he meticulously planned his research trips to the library, carefully noting information by hand.

In essence, life 40 years ago would demand adapting to slower communication methods and traditional ways of obtaining information. These changes would significantly slow down daily activities, fostering a deeper appreciation for direct, simpler experiences.

How can regular people reduce the amount of pollution they create in their daily lives?

In addressing environmental challenges, our personal choices hold significant weight. Opting for shared transportation modes, such as public transit or carpooling, effectively reduces emissions. At home, the adoption of energy-efficient appliances and consideration of renewable energy sources like solar panels are prudent steps towards sustainability.

Conscious consumption is key. Preferring products with minimal packaging, repurposing items creatively, and adhering to recycling protocols significantly diminish waste's environmental impact.

Supporting local produce also plays a vital role, as it lessens the carbon emissions associated with long-distance transport. Additionally, urban greening initiatives, such as tree planting and gardening, are effective in mitigating air pollution.

These individual actions cumulatively contribute to a larger impact, demonstrating how informed daily choices can positively influence our environmental footprint. It underscores the importance of living with awareness and making decisions that foster ecological well-being.

EI - 10

Compare your recording to the transcript below. What did you miss? What did you mess up? Don’t be afraid to do the task again. 

1. Think about how a company like Apple works.

2. Supporting local produce also plays a vital role.

3. Let's talk about how they impact local businesses.

4. Living 40 years ago would significantly alter my daily life.

5. They design their products in the US but make them in China.

6. These local shops often can't match Walmart's prices or variety.

7. They also make it super tough for smaller businesses to survive.

8. These individual actions cumulatively contribute to a larger impact.

9. It's like a double-edged sword – good in some ways, but also challenging.

10. Let's talk about what big international companies do in the world economy.

Vocabulary Connections

Here’s the vocabulary for today. This vocabulary is connected to the new topic and task introduced in the Waterfall today (90 second task). What words would help you better express your thoughts tomorrow? Which words could you substitute for more precise expression.

Cloze Exercise

Read the response out loud trying to remain fluent while filling in the gaps.

How would your daily life and relationship with technology be different if you lived 40 years ago?

Living 40 years ago would significantly alter my daily life, especially in communication and information access. Without smartphones and the internet, keeping i_ touch would involve writing letters and us___ landlines, leading to longer waits for re_______ and less frequent updates. For example, sh_____ exciting news would mean sending a le____ and eagerly awaiting a reply, a pr_____ taking days or weeks, unlike today's in_____ messaging.

Accessing information and entertainment would also sh___ dramatically. I'd rely on newspapers, television, an_ radio, instead of quick online searches. Re______ would mean hours in the library, si_____ through books and periodicals — a st___ contrast to digital resources. I recall m_ uncle describing how he meticulously planned hi_ research trips to the library, carefully no____ information by hand.

In essence, life 40 years ago wo___ demand adapting to slower communication methods an_ traditional ways of obtaining information. These ch_____ would significantly slow down daily activities, fo_______ a deeper appreciation for direct, simpler ex__________.

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