ESL: Very Well Protocol | Week 12 - Day 72

4 May 2024

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Today’s Themes and Tasks

Cultural Diversity

International Politics


What changes should schools make to include and celebrate different cultures?

How does a country's geographical size change the way that it interacts with other countries?

Are there any disadvantages or challenges associated with celebrity status that may not be widely recognized?

Workout of the Day

Complete the Workout of the day. Click on the images to be linked to the videos hosted on YouTube.

1. Fluency Waterfall

2. Waterfall Model

3. Vocabulary Connections

4. EI. 10

Waterfall Model Transcripts

Review these transcripts to see other ways of responding to the Waterfall tasks and to look for grammar patterns and vocabulary that may be useful for you in your response. The example responses are C1+ in their level. How do your responses compare? What can you do to improve your responses during the next Fluency Waterfall?

90 Second Task

What changes should schools make to include and celebrate different cultures?

Schools play a crucial role in shaping how we understand and appreciate different cultures. To truly celebrate diversity, schools should focus on inclusive curricula, cultural events, and language support.

Firstly, updating curricula to reflect a wide range of cultures is essential. This means going beyond just the basics in history and literature to include stories, achievements, and perspectives from all over the world. For example, in my school, we had a project where each student presented about a country's history and culture. It opened my eyes to so many new stories and traditions I had never heard about before. It felt like traveling the world without leaving the classroom.

Secondly, organizing cultural events can bring these lessons to life. Schools could host international days where students and teachers share their heritage through food, music, and dance. I remember attending an international fair at school where I tried Ethiopian injera for the first time and watched a traditional Korean dance. It was a fun way to learn and appreciate the beauty of different cultures together.

Lastly, offering language support and classes for non-native speakers not only helps students integrate better but also allows other students to learn new languages. This fosters understanding and communication between diverse student groups.

Making these changes in schools can build a more inclusive environment that celebrates cultural diversity, helping students become more empathetic and globally aware citizens.

60 Second Task

How does a country's geographical size change the way that it interacts with other countries?

Geographical size significantly influences how countries engage with the world. Large nations, such as Russia or the USA, enjoy self-sufficiency and a dominant stance in global trade due to abundant resources and extensive lands. The USA, for instance, leverages its vast territories for oil production, bolstering its influence in international energy discussions.

Conversely, smaller states like Singapore or Luxembourg, lacking in natural resources, pivot towards specialized sectors like finance or technology. Singapore's strategic location and investment in becoming a financial and shipping hub exemplify turning geographical constraints into economic strengths.

Moreover, the size impacts security dynamics. Larger countries face complex defense challenges with extensive borders to protect, affecting their foreign policy. Russia’s numerous bordering nations necessitate a multifaceted approach to international relations.

In essence, a country's size dictates its economic strategies, diplomatic relations, and security concerns, shaping its unique path in global interactions.

Are there any disadvantages or challenges associated with celebrity status that may not be widely recognized?

Being famous isn't all it's cracked up to be; it comes with challenges like never having a moment of privacy and the constant pressure to look and act perfectly. Just picture being Jennifer Lawrence, where a simple run to the store turns into a media circus. Every little mistake, like tripping over at an awards show, ends up all over the news.

Then there's Selena Gomez, who's been really open about how hard it is living up to everyone's expectations all the time. It's gotten to the point where it's impacted her mental health, leading her to take breaks from social media. These examples give us a glimpse into the not-so-glamorous side of fame. Sure, being in the spotlight has its perks, but it also means dealing with a lot of pressure and scrutiny.

So, when we see a celebrity having a tough day, let's remember they're human too, dealing with their own set of challenges, just like us.

EI - 10

Compare your recording to the transcript below. What did you miss? What did you mess up? Don’t be afraid to do the task again. 

1. Larger countries face complex defense challenges.

2. A simple run to the store can turn into a media circus.

3. This fosters understanding between diverse student groups.

4. Organizing cultural events can bring these lessons to life.

5. It felt like traveling the world without leaving the classroom.

6. It opened my eyes too many traditions I had never heard of before.

7. Being in the spotlight means dealing with a lot of pressure and scrutiny.

8. Schools play a crucial role in shaping how we appreciate different cultures.

9. Making these changes in schools can help students become more empathetic citizens.

10. Schools could host international days where students and teachers share their heritage.

Vocabulary Connections

Here’s the vocabulary for today. This vocabulary is connected to the new topic and task introduced in the Waterfall today (90 second task). What words would help you better express your thoughts tomorrow? Which words could you substitute for more precise expression.

Cloze Exercise

Read the response out loud trying to remain fluent while filling in the gaps.

How does a country's geographical size change the way that it interacts with other countries?

Geographical size significantly influences how countries engage with the world. Large nations, such as Russia or the US___, enjoy self-sufficiency and a dominant stance i_ global trade due to abundant resources an_ extensive lands. The USA, for instance, le_______ its vast territories for oil production, bo_______ its influence in international energy discussions.

Conversely, smaller states like Singapore or Lu_______, lacking in natural resources, pivot to____ specialized sectors like finance or technology. Si______'s strategic location and investment in becoming a_ financial and shipping hub exemplify turning ge________ constraints into economic strengths.

Moreover, the size impacts security dynamics. La____ countries face complex defense challenges wi____ extensive borders to protect, affecting th___ foreign policy. Russia’s numerous bordering na______ necessitate a multifaceted approach to in_________ relations.

In essence, a country's size dictates it_ economic strategies, diplomatic relations, and se______ concerns, shaping its unique path i_ global interactions.

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