ESL: Very Well | Week 4 - Day 24

6 March 2024

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Today’s Themes and Tasks

Cyber Security


Space Exploration

Who should be more responsible for personal online security: groups like governments and internet companies or individual users?

What does the increase in learning online mean for the future of going to school?

What would it mean for us if we found life on other planets, in terms of what we know, think, and believe?

Complete the Workout of the day. Click on the images to be linked to the videos hosted on YouTube.

1. Fluency Waterfall


2. Waterfall Model

3. Vocabulary Connections

4. E.I. 10

Waterfall Model Transcripts

Review these transcripts to see other ways of responding to the Waterfall tasks and to look for grammar patterns and vocabulary that may be useful for you in your response. The example responses are C1+ in their level. How do your responses compare? What can you do to improve your responses during the next Fluency Waterfall?

90 Second Task

Who should be more responsible for personal online security: groups like governments and internet companies or individual users?

When it comes to online security, both groups like governments and internet companies and individual users play crucial roles. However, I believe the responsibility should be more on governments and companies. Here's why.

Firstly, these groups have the resources and expertise to create safer online environments. For example, governments can pass laws that protect personal data and penalize breaches, while companies can invest in better security technologies. I remember when a major social media platform was fined for not protecting user data. It showed that regulations could push companies to take user security more seriously.

Secondly, while individuals can take steps like using strong passwords, they often lack the knowledge or tools to defend against sophisticated cyber attacks. It's like expecting someone to secure their wooden door against a battering ram. Once, my email was hacked despite using what I thought was a strong password. It made me realize that without the security infrastructure that companies can provide, individuals are at a disadvantage.

In conclusion, while individuals should be cautious online, the primary responsibility for ensuring online security should fall on governments and companies. They have the capabilities to establish a secure digital landscape, making the internet safer for everyone. As technology evolves, their role in protecting us online will only become more critical.

60 Second Task

What does the increase in learning online mean for the future of going to school?

Online learning is really transforming education, offering incredible flexibility and access. Imagine being able to take a class from a university on the other side of the planet without leaving your house. I did just that last semester, and it was an eye-opening experience. This flexibility is a game-changer, especially for those balancing jobs or family commitments with their studies.

Also, the reach of online education means that it doesn't matter where you live anymore. A friend in a remote location was able to pursue her passion for graphic design through online courses, something that would have been impossible before.

But, there's a flip side to consider. School isn't just about academics; it's also where we learn to socialize, work in teams, and build friendships. With the shift towards online learning, we need to think creatively about how to maintain these important social experiences.

So, while online learning is making education more adaptable and inclusive, it also challenges us to reimagine the social aspects of schooling. It's crucial we find a balance to ensure we don't lose out on developing vital interpersonal skills. This is an exciting time for education, but it's important to navigate these changes thoughtfully.45 Second Task

What would it mean for us if we found life on other planets, in terms of what we know, think, and believe?

Discovering life beyond Earth would fundamentally alter our scientific and philosophical outlook. Unearthing even microbial life on planets like Mars would challenge our understanding of biology, indicating that Earth isn't unique in hosting life. This would spark a revolution in scientific thought, raising questions about life's ubiquity in the universe.

Philosophically, finding extraterrestrial life would resolve the longstanding question of our solitude in the cosmos, forcing us to reconsider humanity's place and purpose. Such a discovery would be akin to learning Earth isn't the universe's center, prompting a profound reevaluation of our cosmic significance.

In essence, this breakthrough would not only advance scientific inquiry but also provoke deep existential introspection, reshaping our collective worldview and our individual sense of belonging in the universe.

EI - 10

Compare your recording to the transcript below. What did you miss? What did you mess up? Don’t be afraid to do the task again. 

1. Online learning is transforming education.

2. This would spark a revolution in scientific thought.

3. It's important to navigate these changes thoughtfully.

4. Once my email was hacked despite using a strong password.

5. When it comes to online security, both groups play crucial roles.

6. Regulations can push companies to take user security more seriously.

7. Individuals often lack the knowledge to defend against cyber attacks.

8. Discovering life beyond Earth would fundamentally alter our scientific outlook.

9. We need to think creatively about how to maintain these important social experiences.

10. Imagine being able to take a class from a university on the other side of the planet.

Vocabulary Connections

Here’s the vocabulary for today. This vocabulary is connected to the new topic and task introduced in the Waterfall today (90 second task). What words would help you better express your thoughts tomorrow? Which words could you substitute for more precise expression.

Cloze Exercise

Read the response out loud trying to remain fluent while filling in the gaps.

What does the increase in learning online mean for the future of going to school?

Online learning is really transforming education, offering in________ flexibility and access. Imagine being able t_ take a class from a university o_ the other side of the planet wi_____ leaving your house. I did just th__ last semester, and it was an ey_________ experience. This flexibility is a game-changer, es________ for those balancing jobs or family co_________ with their studies.

Also, the reach of online education means th__ it doesn't matter where you live an______. A friend in a remote location wa_ able to pursue her passion for gr_____ design through online courses, something that wo___ have been impossible before.

But, there's a flip side to consider. Sc____ isn't just about academics; it's also wh___ we learn to socialize, work in te____, and build friendships. With the shift to_____ online learning, we need to think cr________ about how to maintain these important so____ experiences.

So, while online learning is making education mo__ adaptable and inclusive, it also challenges u_ to reimagine the social aspects of sc________. It's crucial we find a balance t_ ensure we don't lose out on de________ vital interpersonal skills. This is an ex______ time for education, but it's important t_ navigate these changes thoughtfully.

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